Walk and Pray

I am not the first one to say it, but walking is good for your body and your mind. People throughout history have recognized that moving your body helps you to take in information, process emotions, and lower stress. The philosopher Aristotle used to walk and teach so much that his school was called peripatetic, which is a Greek word that means “of walking” or “given to walking around.”

And we only need a cursory reading of the gospel accounts to see that Jesus himself did a lot of walking as he taught his disciples. This may have been his preferred method of teaching or it may have been out of necessity, but it is undeniable that many of Jesus’ examples and parables drew on the life around him as he moved from place to place.

Getting outside to walk around is a great devotional practice. You don’t have to be a fitness nut or an outdoor adventurer to benefit from this practice. As you walk your dog, pray for your neighbors. As you stroll past a grove of trees, pause to thank God that they are cleaning the air you just breathed. Use your walking time to memorize Scripture, have an important conversation with your child, or simply listen to what God might be speaking to your heart. You may find that even on a cold day, a good walk can warm your heart.

You can also use your walking time to listen to the Words of Hope podcast. Subscribe today on the podcast app of your choice.

About the Author

Adam Navis
Adam Navis

Adam Navis (M.Div., D.Min.) is passionate about the power of stories to transform lives. Whether he is writing, podcasting, or editing a video, he tries to use stories to entertain, educate, and evoke thoughtful reflection. He lives in Michigan and enjoys spending time outside with family and friends.