Letting Go by Example

Read: Romans 12

We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. (v. 6 NIV)

In a recent church service I attended, new elders and deacons were ordained and installed to help lead the church throughout the coming year. Three members stood in front of the church body and made promises to be faithful in their devotion to the Lord so they could then be faithful in their care for his people.

As part of the ordination, the pastor prayed for the Holy Spirit to come upon them “burning like fire, gentle as a dove.” The request was not for money to pour into the church or its popularity to increase tenfold through these members, but for them to exhibit servant leadership in ways that will bring glory to God and a blessing to others.

We all watch the leaders around us. We all identify with certain leaders and may be leery of others. I have often found that I am most impressed and trusting of those leaders who are humble, kind, and Spirit-led.

God equips us all differently and calls on our unique gifts according to his plan. Where in your life should you ask for the Holy Spirit’s power to descend on you with both great force and great gentleness? How can you model servant leadership in your home, workplace, or faith community? How can you be an example to those you lead by letting go of the controls and trusting God with the outcome? —Joy Petroelje

As you pray, ask God to empower you to lead well in the areas he calls you to.

About the Author

Joy Petroelje

Joy Petroelje serves as the grants manager for a faith-based international nonprofit organization. Aside from work, she enjoys family time, coffee or dinner with friends, writing, reading, and running.