
Jesus’ First Miracle

Read: Matthew 8:1-4

And Jesus stretched out his hand . . .  (v. 3)

The man who approached Jesus after his Sermon on the Mount was a hopeless case. Leprosy, with its hideous symptoms, was incurable. Those who suffered from it were unclean—literally untouchable—and were forced to warn off passersby lest they also become infected. In Scripture, leprosy is a symbol of the ultimate defilement, sin. So there was a real point to this man’s hesitant statement, “Lord, if you will, you can make me clean” (v. 2). This man had no doubt about Jesus’ ability to heal. The only question in his mind was whether Jesus was willing.

Jesus’ response was immediate. He “stretched out his hand and touched him, saying, ‘I will; be clean.’” Jesus didn’t have to touch people to make them well. So why did he do that to this particular man? Isn’t it obvious? The leper had wondered whether Jesus would be willing to heal him, to have contact with him, to get involved in his messy life and its gross problems. The touch was the answer. Jesus touched the man to show him that not only was he willing, but that no one was too off-putting for him to care.

In his comment on this story, John Calvin observes that in the incarnation Jesus did far more than just reach out and touch us. He climbed into our flesh so that he could cleanse us from all defilement and pour his holiness over us. None of us is untouchable to him. —David Bast

As you pray, give thanks that Christ’s love touches you and his blood cleanses you.

About the Author

david bast
Rev. David Bast

David Bast is a writer and pastor who served for 23 years as the President and Broadcast Minister for Words of Hope. Dave and his wife, Betty Jo, have four children and eight grandchildren. Dave enjoys reading, growing tomatoes, and avidly follows the Detroit Tigers.