
November Prayer Guide 2021

SOUTH SUDAN — Revenge killings continue in South Sudan. Pray that the peace of Christ as proclaimed through Words of Hope programs would turn hearts toward non-violence. We have heard directly from individuals who, after listening to Words of Hope messages about peace and reconciliation in Christ, have decided to forgive revenge killings in their own families. This decision to forgive stops the cycle of violence. 

TURKEY — Please pray for our Turkish ministry leader who was recently diagnosed with a breakthrough case of COVID-19. So far all of his symptoms have been mild. Join us in praying for complete healing and no lingering issues from the disease. Remember the country of Turkey in your prayers, as the economy continues to face significant challenges due to the pandemic. We are thankful for innovative indigenous ministry partners during these challenging times. 

IRAN — Give thanks for safety and spiritual growth during another in-person discipleship class for Iranian Christians. These conferences are held at a safe location outside the country of Iran. Two Words of Hope staff, several donors, and 25 Iranians were able to attend. The next conference will be held early next year. Pray now for those who will be attending in 2022—that God would work in their hearts, and that their faith would grow. 

NEPAL — We praise God for the generosity of donors that allowed our Nepali ministry leader to purchase a vehicle that is now being used for follow-up work, and for traveling around the country to visit radio stations and regional church leaders. Our team leader was recently able to take an extended, two-week trip to remote parts of Nepal to conduct leadership training, evaluate FM stations, and meet with pastors. 

BHUTAN — Ministry work inside the country of Bhutan is being hampered due to closed borders. Production of programs and digital distribution of them is still underway, however. Leaders currently inside Bhutan and unable to leave for studio recording across the border in India are making do by recording and editing programs on their smartphones. Pray for an easing of travel restrictions soon so that the team can work more effectively all together. 

INDONESIA — We are thankful for the recently appointed Words of Hope liaison for the team in Indonesia. Through his efforts, we are gaining new insights into the work currently underway to provide programming for smaller languages throughout the country. In most of Indonesia, gatherings continue to be limited to 10 or fewer individuals at a time. This makes it even more important to provide reliable Christian teaching that can be accessed remotely.

UGANDA — The Ugandan government has once again lessened COVID-19 restrictions, allowing for more movement around the country. Our team is grateful for increased opportunities to interact directly with listeners. Pray for the team this month, as all Words of Hope producers from around the country will gather for a special retreat and training conference. Pray for vision, direction, and teamwork to be strengthened during this time. 

NIGER — Extremists from Nigeria and Mali pose an ongoing threat for our ministry team in the country of Niger. Please pray for courage and safety. We are grateful for reports of the success of the ministry of distributing SD cards with gospel teaching programs to households around the country. New house churches are forming in locations where the SD cards have been received. Pray for these new converts as they grow together in their faith. 

ALBANIA — A large number of Afghan refugees are currently being housed in Albania. The Words of Hope Albania team has been granted access to minister to these people—bringing them food, clothing, and gospel resources. We are thankful for this unique opportunity to share the love of Christ. Please remember all Afghan refugees in your prayers, as they are facing trauma and great uncertainty. 

ENGLISH — A daily, two-minute audio version of the devotional is being distributed through AmBos, a nation-wide radio network. Radio stations from around the country can now access and program these devotional segments into their broadcast schedules. Join us in praying that many radio stations will discover our devotional resources through this distribution method, and more importantly, pray that the messages will speak to people’s hearts when they hear them.

INDIA — We are thankful for the strategic work of our South Asia director. Ministry in the region of Northern India continues to expand through seven decentralized outreach centers. Several of the centers are reporting that increasing numbers of people are coming to believe in Jesus and asking for baptism. New small language audio recording projects are now underway, with a goal of sharing the gospel in the heart language of even more people in the region. 

SOUTH SUDAN —  Unusually extreme flooding in South Sudan is causing suffering and instability. Our ministry leader shared about children’s school supplies being swept away and vehicles being overturned in the high water. Over 10,000 people are still without food and water after the flood waters destroyed their homes. We pray for relief and safety for everyone who has been affected.