September Prayer Guide 2021

ENGLISH — Give thanks that the North American office renovation project is nearly complete! The building is now accessible and energy efficient. Space has been repurposed for new uses such as a conference area for small gatherings of donors and prayer partners. Pray for the staff as they transition back into their home office after many months of working remotely and at a host church building. Pray that the refreshed office space will help the staff to share the mission of Words of Hope effectively with more people. 

NEPAL — Please lift up in prayer a Words of Hope team member and his wife in Nepal who are grieving the loss of a child due to miscarriage. The husband and wife have been praying for a child, and this is a devastating loss. The husband is a musician for Words of Hope’s programs, and also helps with other technical aspects of program production. Please surround the couple in prayers for comfort and hope. 

BHUTAN — Pray for team members in Bhutan, as they have once again been forced to carry out all ministry activities virtually due to the spread of COVID-19. Virtual Bible studies and youth camps have been continued successfully during this time. We are so thankful that technology allows our ministry workers to connect to individuals in their communities in a safe yet still personal way. 

TURKEY — Give thanks for this encouraging report from our Turkish ministry director: “Turkey is slowly coming out of the pandemic. Flying around the country has become normal again, so I was able to go to Istanbul regularly to record my TV programs. I praise the Lord for that! During my last visit to Istanbul I had a surprise call from an older Armenian lady. She told me that she has 2 sisters, and they all love my program and watch it every week on TV.”

NIGER — Please be in prayer for Words of Hope’s ministry leader in Niger, whose mother recently passed away. Words of Hope’s president and director of operations both had a chance to meet this wonderful woman last year, and her loss will be felt by many. Pray for peace and community to surround our leader as he adjusts to this new normal. Pray for all those missing loved ones today. 

ALBANIA — Give thanks that we are seeing more exposure to our Albanian ministry on social media. Specifically, more viewers are responding to videos posted on YouTube. Though devotional content is now available online, there continues to be a need for printed copies of the devotional as well. Hard copy devotionals are distributed in churches and to Christian organizations that work with prisoners.

IRAN — Please be in prayer for the team as they organize another discipleship conference that will be taking place soon. We are thankful for new programming that has been created for children and young people. The materials provide age-appropriate introductions to Biblical stories. We are also thankful that the Persian team continues to be able to meet together safely online. 

UGANDA — Give thanks that more listeners are calling in to the Words of Hope Uganda radio station after broadcasts air. More than 650 call responses were logged recently. “Some call during and after the radio broadcast to offer their appreciation, seek clarification, and seek prayer and counseling,” shares our director. “We also get callers who are seeking encouragement since the second wave of COVID-19 hit our country and lockdown was reinstated.”

NEPAL — We are thankful that our western Nepal ministry leader is recovering well following an operation to remove a large stone from his kidney. While in the hospital, the pastor took advantage of the opportunity to share the good news of the gospel with other patients who were being treated at the facility! Join us in praying for his full recovery, and that those he has recently shared the gospel with will grow in faith as well. 

INDONESIA — Due to the pandemic, Words of Hope team translators are currently recording videos for daily devotional programs in the Nias language from their own homes. The recordings are then sent to the main office for editing and uploading by the media workers. Give thanks that over 2000 people have watched the Nias language videos on Youtube in the last few months. Pray that the content created will speak to their hearts. 

INDIA — Please be in prayer for one of our field leaders in India. He and his wife recently welcomed a new baby, who was born prematurely, and who needed to stay in the hospital for ongoing medical care. On the way back to the hospital to visit their baby, the wife was involved in a vehicle accident. She was in a coma for several days, and eventually passed away. Our field leader is devastated. Please pray for him. 

SOUTH SUDAN — Pray for the ongoing production of programs on peace and reconciliation for the country of South Sudan. Our team reports that they have been encouraged by many people calling them to express thanks for the programs. We are encouraged that the radio station in South Sudan is fully functioning at this time, and is playing an important role in building community in an often conflict-torn nation.