God’s Timetable and Our Rush

Read: Psalm 70

But I am poor and needy; hasten to me, O God! You are my help and my deliverer; O LORD, do not delay! (v. 8)

The psalmist wants God’s help and he wants it now. This is a common human trait. From rushing in traffic to impatiently waiting in line, it is hard to be patient. Maybe you can think of a few examples in your own life. When we pray for help, just like the psalmist, we even try to rush God!

I have found that my timetable is always ahead of God’s. I want my problems to be resolved now! But God’s timetable is perfect. Someone has said that if you pray for patience God may send you experiences that teach patience the hard way.

We need to recognize that our timetable is flawed. We base it on a limited insight. We just don’t know what is best for us. But God’s timetable is perfect, based on his perfect knowledge of all things.

Instead of praying like David, we need to learn to pray, “Lord, help me according to your timetable. Help me to wait patiently as you carry out your perfect plan for my benefit.”

We don’t always give our children what they want when they want it. Our heavenly Father loves us with a perfect love. He knows when and how to answer our prayers. Wait patiently on the Lord, and he will bring it to pass. Don’t panic. God is never late. —Harry Buis

As you pray, ask God to help you surrender to his timetable. Commit yourself to trusting God to care for you in all circumstances.

About the Author

Harry Buis

The Rev. Harry Buis served as a Reformed Church in America pastor for 41 years, serving six congregations. He had a consuming passion for the Word of God, preached and written, and would take up his pen to share that passion at a moment’s notice. His enthusiasm for God and the Bible was his signature. Rev. Buis edited the Words of Hope daily devotional for twenty years, and wrote several books and numerous articles. He also taught as an adjunct at Hope College, Western Theological Seminary, and Kuyper College. He served the church in many capacities, and was elected President of General Synod of the RCA in 1980. Rev. Buis died of cancer in 2001.