Blessed to Proclaim God

Read: Psalm 67:1-7

The earth has yielded its increase; God, our God, shall bless us. God shall bless us; let all the ends of the earth fear him! (vv. 6-7)

The psalmist begins here with a request for God’s blessing. Then he gives an interesting reason: “That your way may be known on earth, your saving power among all nations” (v. 2). Later he says, “God shall bless us; let all the ends of the earth fear him!” (v. 7).

Abraham was told that he would be blessed that he might be a blessing to all nations. That was wonderfully fulfilled when Christ was born as a descendant of Abraham. The blessing was not limited to Israel, but spread to all people and all nations.

Blessed to be a blessing. If you have a relationship with Jesus, God has blessed you with a rich and precious gift. Look beyond yourself to see how you can share this precious gift with others, those who have great spiritual and material need.

I think of the man who prayed, “God bless me, my wife, my son, his wife, us four and no more.” That is not how God works. God offers more than enough for all people, an abundance of spiritual blessing that reaches across nations to the very ends of the earth. Our great hope is that as we share the good news, the whole earth will be blessed too. —Harry Buis

As you pray, ask God to open your heart and show you how you can share your blessings today.

About the Author

Harry Buis

The Rev. Harry Buis served as a Reformed Church in America pastor for 41 years, serving six congregations. He had a consuming passion for the Word of God, preached and written, and would take up his pen to share that passion at a moment’s notice. His enthusiasm for God and the Bible was his signature. Rev. Buis edited the Words of Hope daily devotional for twenty years, and wrote several books and numerous articles. He also taught as an adjunct at Hope College, Western Theological Seminary, and Kuyper College. He served the church in many capacities, and was elected President of General Synod of the RCA in 1980. Rev. Buis died of cancer in 2001.