A Satisfied Soul

Read: Psalm 63:1-11

For you have been my help, and in the shadow of your wings I will sing for joy. (vv. 7)

David is in the wilderness of Judah which he describes as “a dry and weary land” (v. 1). Yet, though his longing for water is intense, his desire for a close relationship with God is even more intense.

He thinks back to when he had a wonderful experience of the presence of God in worship. He has his priorities straight: “your steadfast love is better than life” (v. 3). Therefore, in spite of his present circumstances, he will praise God. Though his present diet is very limited, his soul is satisfied.

What an example David provides for us! The world around us is wrapped up in the search for entertainment, pleasure, and material things. There is tremendous pressure to be squeezed into the world’s mold and to look for those things ourselves.

Friend, choose the better way, the way of David. For what shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul? A close walk with God provides a deep satisfaction that the things of this world cannot provide. What a great God we have! How wonderful to live in his loving presence. How satisfying. Try it; you’ll like it. Then you will say with David, “My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me” (v. 8). —Harry Buis

As you pray, ask God to help you keep your priorities straight, and remind you of the joy of your relationship with him.

About the Author

Harry Buis

The Rev. Harry Buis served as a Reformed Church in America pastor for 41 years, serving six congregations. He had a consuming passion for the Word of God, preached and written, and would take up his pen to share that passion at a moment’s notice. His enthusiasm for God and the Bible was his signature. Rev. Buis edited the Words of Hope daily devotional for twenty years, and wrote several books and numerous articles. He also taught as an adjunct at Hope College, Western Theological Seminary, and Kuyper College. He served the church in many capacities, and was elected President of General Synod of the RCA in 1980. Rev. Buis died of cancer in 2001.