Rainbow Drops

Read: Colossians 3:12-17

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. (v. 16)

I was upset, and like the child I was, I was showing it through a tantrum. Grandma Etta spoke lovingly to me, “You are in a pickle!” She made me feel better by reminding me of the crystal prisms hanging in her east kitchen window. “See the little rainbow drops dancing around the kitchen walls when the sun shines through them? They make you sing,” she whispered. “Remember Bible stories I taught you and sing about them.” When I did, I forgot all about the problem.

As I compared these little rainbow drops with stories of joy and singing in the Bible, I was reminded of the angels singing in the twinkling night sky at Jesus’ birth (Luke 2:13-14). David’s message to make a joyful sound unto the Lord was a reason for me to sing (Ps. 95:1-2). The joy I felt when singing came from a thankful heart.

When I have a problem, I sing a prayer to express my thoughts. I ask the Holy Spirit for help in communicating with the Father. I gain the confidence to trust God that my prayers will be answered (Isa. 26:3). This way of praying makes me peaceful and thankful for my Creator and Father. Isaiah 32:17 says, “The effect of righteousness will be peace . . . quietness and trust forever.” —Betty Kobes

As you pray, thank God for the gift of singing to make our hearts fill with joy, faith, hope, and thanksgiving.

About the Author

Betty Kobes

Betty Kobes attended Kuyper College (formerly Reformed Bible College) in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and received a bachelor of science in education and religion from Upper Iowa University. She served as teacher for 34 years in Christian and public schools. She is a member of the Immanuel Reformed Church in Belmond, Iowa, where she is active in Praise Team singing, teaching, and the Pleasant Prairie Classis Leadership Team, along with home activities of writing, gardening, walking, biking, and quilting.