Finding Food

Read: Micah 4:1-5

Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD . . . that he may teach us his ways and that we may walk in his paths. (v. 2)

I put a finch feeder on a tree branch. Disappointed that the goldfinch never came to feed, I moved the feeder into my rock garden’s open space. Within a day, goldfinches dropped straight down out of the sky to land and feed! On the tree, they missed the thistle seed feeder because it was hidden by the leaves. They needed to see the feeder to be fed.

I am not so different. Like the finches, my vision can be blocked too, not by leaves, but by fears and doubts. The bird feeder outside my house has a mix of seed to satisfy many kinds of birds. The Bible likewise offers rich teaching and encouragement for many needs. Supreme is the need supplied by the promise that Jesus is the Bread of Life, and by eating this living bread from heaven we will not die (John 6:48-51). I can hide the hope of God’s promises in my heart, but I must battle the sin of not believing them. Trust is the seed of faith: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding” (Prov. 3:5). Search also for the seeds of wisdom when you need trust. God gives wisdom if we ask for it (Prov. 2:6; James 1:5-8).

Come feed on God’s mountain of knowledge. The abundance of the seeds in the Scripture will strengthen your life. —Betty Kobes

As you pray, ask for greater desire to search for God’s spiritual feeding ground.

About the Author

Betty Kobes

Betty Kobes attended Kuyper College (formerly Reformed Bible College) in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and received a bachelor of science in education and religion from Upper Iowa University. She served as teacher for 34 years in Christian and public schools. She is a member of the Immanuel Reformed Church in Belmond, Iowa, where she is active in Praise Team singing, teaching, and the Pleasant Prairie Classis Leadership Team, along with home activities of writing, gardening, walking, biking, and quilting.