Unless I See

Read: John 20:19-29

Unless I see in his hands the mark of the nails . . . I will never believe. (v. 25)

In our current social media culture, we have high expectations for seeing proof when we hear allegations or claims made. With the ubiquitous use of smart devices, almost everything is recorded these days. As soon as a story breaks, many of us search for a corresponding video that we assume is bound to be in cyberspace. If there is no digital evidence available, then we are less likely to believe a story is true.

We often think less of Thomas, because he didn’t want to believe the other disciples who said they saw Jesus. If they traded places, consider whether or not the disciples would believe Thomas. We aren’t told where Thomas was or why he missed seeing Jesus. But, since he was also one of the 12 disciples, maybe his request to not only see Jesus but also touch him for proof was a sincere desire to have a special encounter with Jesus as well.

Jesus may not appear in a physical form like he did to Thomas, but Jesus can still show up in our lives today through spiritual revelation, a kind word, or even an uplifting song. It’s comforting to know that no matter who we are, Jesus is willing to meet us where we are. Yes, Jesus definitely celebrates when we believe though we don’t see (Matt. 8:5-13; John 20:29), but he is also gracious to us even when we doubt (Mark 9:24). —Ericka Loynes

As you pray, exchange your doubt for more faith.

About the Author

Ericka Loynes

Ericka Loynes is a senior instructional designer and facilitator. She enjoys encouraging others through career coaching, motivational speaking, and inspirational writing. Born and raised in Chicago, Ericka currently lives in Memphis with her husband, Duane, and teenage son, DJ.