Niger is one of the most impoverished countries in the world. Many individuals there are barely surviving on scant incomes and meager farming resources. Your support of Words of Hope in Niger is providing much-needed income for evangelists in the country who would not otherwise be able to serve as ministers while also supporting their families.
Please join us in praying:
- Pray for peace and safety in the country. Pray that messages of God’s peace broadcast would be heard by radical Islamists who are perpetrating fear, and that their lives would be changed as a result.
- Pray for wisdom and winsome networking as our team in Niger works to provide support structures for new converts.
- Pray especially for women in the country who have less access to education and less chances to earn income. Pray that God would grant them courage to step out in faith when they hear his call, and pray that he would cover them in protection when they do so.
- Some of the least-reached tribal people groups in the world live in Niger. Pray for Words of Hope’s small tribal language outreach to flourish and find ways to share the good news in accessible ways.