May Prayer Guide 2021

BHUTAN –– Give thanks with us that through virtual Bible studies and outreach on Facebook, 11 Bhutanese individuals have given their lives to Christ, and 8 more have requested the next step of baptism. Please continue to pray for more opportunities to return to in-person sharing of the gospel, since the Internet is quite expensive in Bhutan, and not everyone has access to computers and smartphones.

UGANDA –– Praise the Lord that Words of Hope Uganda messages are now being produced in 16 languages and are available on multiple platforms. Our goal is always to make the gospel accessible to as many people as possible, and we see that happening in Uganda! Pray that our ministry’s “air game” of media distribution would be equally complemented by a “ground game” of discipleship that leads to flourishing communities. 

NEPAL — Give thanks that within the last three months, 23 families have joined our partner network of churches in Nepal! The local pastors have been hard at work leading Bible studies, visiting, and counseling these new Christians. Because of COVID-19, we are seeing that media outreach has become even more important. Prayer meetings and worship services are now streaming on Zoom and helping us to make the most of every opportunity to reach people. 

INDIA — Give thanks that in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Words of Hope in India has been able to organize many small house churches where people can meet and encourage one another regularly while observing government guidelines. We have also been able to continue offering support to students through many tuition centers, where tutoring services are available for those who need it during these uncertain times. 

SOUTH SUDAN — Please pray for the people of South Sudan as the country is experiencing the highest levels of food insecurity and malnutrition in ten years. This summer the situation could become even worse, with experts predicting that 7 million people, more than 1 million of whom are children, will be at risk of starvation. Please pray for relief and protection from famine. Lord have mercy. 

TURKEY — Give thanks that, despite the many complications brought on by COVID-19, our recording and broadcasting of radio and television programs in Turkey has been able to continue uninterrupted. Pray for healing for our director, as he is recovering after hand surgery. Please pray for a complete recovery for him. Pray that the good news of the resurrection will speak to the hearts of Turkish people. 

NIGER — The broadcasts are a source of encouragement for many Christians who currently find themselves in small listening groups currently without a pastor. Many pastors have had to leave the area due to insecurity. Give thanks for how the Lord has graciously given guidance to help the producers create programs based on the Word of God that are sustaining the listening groups at this time. The Bible is giving hope to many. 

IRAN — Pray for the team as they are in the process of planning to resume in-person discipleship conferences. Lord-willing, we will meet our sisters and brothers from Iran in a safe location during the month of June. Pray that doors will open for this conference, and that hearts will be filled and leaders strengthened after this long period of separation and lockdown.

ALBANIA — Give thanks that ministry resources are getting more views and responses on social media and Youtube. Despite the uptick in digital engagement, the team is still committed to producing hard copies of the Albanian daily devotional as well, since it is the only form of access to the content that some people have. The team is focusing on hard copy distribution to organizations that work with the prison population and with survivors of trafficking and abuse. 

NEPAL — Give thanks for the ongoing production of short devotional videos on Youtube that are being made for us by Nepali speakers living in various parts of the world. Morning prayer fellowship and leadership training classes are continuing to take place virtually on Zoom at this time, though the team hopes that with the purchase of a new ministry vehicle, they will be able to visit in person with believers around the country when it is safe to do so. 

ENGLISH — Please join us in praying for a devotional reader who writes, “Greetings in Jesus’ name. I thank God for his faithfulness in our lives as a family. I come to you with a prayer request. Kindly pray for us as we’re in lockdown. No churches or schools, and currently I have no job. Please pray, and support where you can. We need food and house rent. God bless you.” 

INDONESIA — Pray for Daniel Budilaksono, one of the key staff for the Indonesian team where we operate in partnership with Reframe Ministries. Give thanks to God for Daniel’s missional heart, wise leadership, and diligent efforts to spread the gospel. His wife is also a pastor in a local church. Please pray that the programming produced by Daniel and the team will lead many to Christ.