April Prayer Guide 2021

ALBANIA — We give thanks that in the last quarter, over 10,000 individuals visited the Words of Hope Albania website. In response to a questionnaire on the site, 18 people responded that they had accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Pray with us for these new believers. Pray too for our leaders in Albania, that God would grant them wisdom, perseverance, and direction as they continue their outreach work. 

UGANDA — Give thanks for ways in which our Ugandan staff report being personally blessed by the programs they have been working on—especially as the uncertainties of COVID-19 continue. During meetings and devotion times, they have testified that serving with the organization has helped them to stand strong in their faith. Being able to hear and receive the Word of God every day is such a blessing!

TURKEY — Please pray for a listener in Turkey who has been a believer for four years. He is in need of a miracle from Jesus. He has an infection spreading in one of his legs. Unfortunately, prescriptions the doctors have tried so far have not brought the healing he needs, and they may need to amputate soon in order to save his life. This brother in Christ is single and in his 30s, and he asks for healing from the Lord.  

BHUTAN — We are grateful for encouraging reports from our ministry team in Bhutan. The leader there had the opportunity to baptize five new believers recently. The team has also been hosting online Bible studies two times per week, which are going extremely well. Unfortunately, travel difficulties persist due to the shutdown of the border between India and Bhutan as a COVID-19 precaution. Pray with us that access to the country will soon be restored. 

NEPAL — We ask that you pray for our Nepali ministry leader and his family as they mourn the loss of his father. He is thankful that his father was a Christian, and that he passed away peacefully to be with the Lord. But his mother is left alone now, and all the family misses him very much. We give thanks for our eternal hope of salvation and pray that the Lord provides comfort during this difficult time. 

NIGER — Pray with us for safety for the people of Niger. The border region of the country near Burkina Faso is seeing an increase in violent attacks from Islamist militants. In the last few weeks, hundreds have been killed in these attacks that are attributed to the Islamic State or al-Qaeda. Our own team members are safe, but our prayers are with the many families who have lost loved ones. 

ENGLISH — A devotional reader sends this request for prayer: “Thank you so very much for sending my son your devotional booklet. He is at a correctional facility. He loves Jesus. He has mental health disabilities and it became so bad that it caused him to be convicted of a very serious and heartbreaking crime. He was sentenced to life in prison. Any prayers offered on his behalf would be very much appreciated.”

INDIA — A follow-up team in India was able to hold an awareness program about precautionary measures to guard against COVID-19 in a rural village. They distributed hand wash to 32 families and explained about the importance of health and hygiene. They also talked about how education can benefit children and the greater community as they invited families to take advantage of Words of Hope programs for tutoring underprivileged children in the area. 

IRAN — We are thankful for space to begin setting up a new video recording studio for Persian ministry! The space will have green-screen backdrops and sound-proofing for good acoustics. As Persian ministry continues to grow, video outreach is gaining in popularity. Pray with us that the programs recorded in this new space will touch the hearts of viewers and lead many to make decisions for Christ. 

INDONESIA — The ministry leader in Indonesia says, “We are intensifying the use of social media, such as YouTube, because social media has reached rural areas in Indonesia, and must be used to expand the reach of God’s Word. If this is not utilized, then broadcasts of other religions (especially Islam) which use social media massively, can undermine Christian faith and encourage Christians to convert.”

BHUTAN — Our ministry team in Bhutan expresses gratitude for the fact that, slowly, life is returning to normal after extensive COVID-19 shutdowns. This is allowing for more in-person follow-up to occur—a crucial part of our ministry. At the same time, the team reports that they are now seeing an increase in engagement on their social media platforms. Give thanks with us that the good news is being shared in many different ways!

SOUTH SUDAN — Pray for East African leader Titus Baraka as he travels to visit Dinka, Nuer, and Bari people in South Sudan and assess the ministry needs there. We hope to increase the partnership between Ugandan and South Sudanese ministry so that resources can be shared, allowing access for more people to hear the good news. Pray for strategic vision as we look to the future.