Good News. All Ways.

Words of Hope is committed to making the hope of the gospel accessible to people in all ways possible. Our supporters understand that around the world people interact with media differently, and so together we rely on our field workers in each location to craft holistic outreach plans that are likely to succeed in a given context.

In some places, many still live with poverty and illiteracy, so the distribution of flash drives or radios is the best way to keep people connected to the truth. In other parts of the world, printed literature or video programming seems to reach the largest audience. 

But no matter what way the story gets out, it is the same gospel of hope in Christ that we share that continues to change lives daily. 

We recently heard a testimony from a woman in Albania that demonstrates how having access to a variety of types of gospel resources helped her grow in her faith. 

“When I started to follow Christ—and knew that there was no turning back—I had to “discipline” myself to read the daily devotional,” Fatbardha says. “I started reading it as soon as I arrived at my work. It was really helpful to me in gaining more knowledge of the Word of God as I read the stories accompanying it.”

From there, Fatbardha tried another resource, Words of Hope’s Read the Bible in a Year. “I started to read the Bible according to the Read the Bible in a Year calendar, but unfortunately, I didn’t make it to the end,” she says. 

Thankfully, Words of Hope’s Albanian director had the vision to begin producing gospel video programming a few years back, and that is the form of storytelling that finally connected best for Fatbardha. 

“I got to see the videos of ‘The Truth I Hold’ program,” Fatbardha says. “They have been a blessing, an encouragement, a joy, and a complete truth. It is real-life situations—things all of us go through. I realized how similar we all are and how we all have the same need: to be cleansed. I am filled every time I watch another testimony. And as soon as I am done, my only desire is to share it with everyone else. Today my faith is stronger thanks to this spiritual nurturing. Thanks to you. Thanks to the Lord, our God.”