I Have You in My Heart

Read: Philippians 1:4-8

In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. (vv. 4-5 NIV)

With warmth and affection, the apostle Paul remembered his friends in Philippi. He had gone through a great deal of loneliness, suffering, persecution, and imprisonment. But as thoughts of his Christian friends in the Philippian church filled his mind, his dark days in prison were brightened. He was encouraged with the confidence that God would see through to the end the work that had begun in Philippi, and thus he wrote, “I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ” (v. 6).

His heart was warmed as he reflected on the fact that they all shared in God’s grace with him. The word “share” in verse 7 is closely related to the word “partnership” in verse 5. The two terms together refer to actions more than attitude. The Philippians participated with Paul in his tough missionary work through their financial contributions and personal encouragement. Because they did, they occupied a special place in Paul’s heart.

This certainly ought to characterize all people in the church. As we have each other in our hearts, our churches become centers of God’s gracious acts and presence as we share in God’s grace together. —Jim Zinger (July 2, 2001)

As you pray, ask God to give us hearts for our fellow believers as we share together in his grace.

About the Author

Jim Zinger

Rev. James Zinger is a pastor in the Reformed Church in America. He served churches in Michigan.