November Prayer Guide 2020

INDONESIA — Pray for radio program outreach in Indonesia. Words of Hope broadcasts in a variety of small local languages. These localized programs foster a sense of pride in the listeners, who are then more likely to repeatedly listen, watch, and even share the programs with family and friends. We believe that preserving local cultures and languages is an integral part of missions work and are thankful for these local language programs. 

SOUTH SUDAN — Give thanks that programs focusing on peace building and conflict resolution continue to be well received and effective. Our leaders report that a newly elected governor in their region of the country is also a peace-loving person who is helping the people to devise peaceful resolutions to longstanding conflict. Praise the Lord for these positive steps! Pray for increased partnership between this governor and the radio program outreach. 

INDIA — Give thanks with us for this positive report from our South Asian Director, “The Church of Jesus Christ continues to remain vibrant, even amidst lockdown and the fear of COVID-19. His children continue to sing praises and worship him. Multiple social media platforms are filled with creative expressions of love and devotion for Jesus. Most churches, even in remote areas, have learned how to use their smartphones to connect with members.” 

NIGER — “By the grace of God, I was able to produce all 24 shows for the quarter,” reports one of Words of Hope’s pastors in Niger. “It gives me joy in my heart to serve the Lord in evangelism through media. I was able to meet with the other producers for three days. This was a source of encouragement for me. The themes formulated during this meeting were relevant and helped me prepare my messages.”

BHUTAN — “The content of our messages is getting better,” shares our Bhutanese team leader. “In the process of preparation, I am learning and growing both in my understanding of and intimacy with God. Our technician is constantly improving our video editing. Looking back, we realize that we have come a long way by God’s grace. So truly thankful to see progress in our content, presentation, editing, and delivery mechanisms.”

ENGLISH — We praise the Lord for this note received recently: “Thank you all for supporting the prisoners. That’s where the seed of hope was planted for me. I’ve been clean now for a little over four years—praise God! I believe you guys are planting seeds for so many! God bless!” Pray that we could continue to find the necessary funding to make devotionals available at no charge to the people who need them.

IRAN — Give thanks that Persian speakers are now listening to our online radio broadcasts in 43 different countries! Pray for encouragement, especially for those living inside the country and facing harsh government scrutiny regarding their faith. Pray too for Christians who have fled the country in search of the freedom to worship the Lord freely. Pray that someday soon the government of Iran will allow the gospel to be shared openly. 

UGANDA — Words of Hope’s Uganda Director shares the following prayer, “In the power of Christ we can stand. In Christ alone we can have hope. God is gracious and faithful, and we thank him for sending his son, Jesus Christ. God’s grace is abundant. May he fill us with the Holy Spirit and renew our lives as he washes us with Christ’s precious blood. Let us be drawn to God in praise and worship through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

TURKEY — Give thanks for this good update from our Turkish Director! “Praise the Lord! We have been able to broadcast our programs as planned on six different radio stations across Turkey during this difficult time of COVID-19. With the opening of a new station in Midyat (across from the border of Syria and Iraq), our reach is extended across Turkey and beyond.”

ALBANIA — Our Albanian Director sends the following requests for prayer: “Pray for the many projects we have at hand and want to see take shape yet this year. Pray for opportunities to get closer to our listeners and viewers. People are coming to Christ in ways we know are honest and authentic. We want to give glory to our Father and our Savior Jesus Christ for giving us the privilege to be part of his work among Albanians.”

NEPAL — “We are blessed to have had four new families join one of our churches in the far west,” shares our Nepali producer. “There are many who are seeking Jesus every day. We are blessed to see the work of God in transforming lives even in the midst of the global pandemic. We are not able to visit people, but people call and seek help from the church—giving us the opportunity to reach them.”

INDONESIA — Pray for the small local language programs that Words of Hope supports in Indonesia. We are thankful for the ways in which the programming is reaching people while also providing an avenue to preserve smaller, traditional languages so that they do not become extinct. Radio programs and Youtube videos are produced in eight local languages and a total of 18 different programs.