Drawn into the Master’s Plan

Read: Genesis 15:1-21

After these things the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision: “Fear not, Abram, I am your shield; your reward shall be very great.” (v. 1)

Once again God speaks to Abraham the same promises. So what’s new?

Quite a lot. The first of the two encounters is about Abraham’s descendants: God speaks, Abraham responds with a question, and God’s answer comes in a memorable nighttime experience, amplifying what he has said in the past. Then, perhaps 24 hours later, God speaks again about the land where these descendants will live, and the whole sequence is repeated: statement, question, answer, and another night Abraham will never forget.

And both times Abraham addresses God by a new name, “Lord GOD” (not “LORD God,” which represents Yahweh Elohim). The word translated “Lord” this time is Aidonai, and it means “Master.” But Abraham is not a servant who “does not know what his master is doing” (see John 15:15). On the contrary, he is one who does know his Lord’s will, as Jesus himself, the Servant par excellence, did. Abraham is a valued servant drawn into his Master’s confidence and entrusted with a central and crucial role in his plans.

The story told in Genesis 24 mirrors this one. There Abraham’s own servant is favored with just such confidence and regards as a high honor the task given him by his earthly master. To serve our Master—what a privilege! —Michael Wilcock

As you pray, listen for God’s promises to you.

About the Author

Michael Wilcock

Rev. Michael Wilcock was formerly director of pastoral studies at Trinity College, Bristol, and vicar of St. Nicholas' Church, Durham. He is now based in Eastbourne, England, as a writer and speaker.