Our God Fights for Us

Read: Psalm 18

In your strength I can crush an army; with my God I can scale any wall. (v. 29 NLT)

The term mama bear is meant to be endearing, used of a loving mother who would do anything for her family, a mother who protects her family with ferocity. The Bible offers several passages that describe this kind of fierce intensity, including Hosea 13:8, where God said of himself, “I will fall upon them like a bear robbed of her cubs.” This suggests that our God is like a “mama bear.”

What I mean is that our God seeks justice for us; he hears our cries for help and responds with righteous anger for us. Smoke pours from his nostrils for us. This is what God did for King David. He gave him the strength to “crush any army” and “scale any wall.” David said he could chase his enemies and catch up to them so that, with God, he could conquer them.

Our God hates injustice, and modern slavery is a gross injustice happening every day around the world. You as an individual and we as the body of Christ have the opportunity to stand up and fight for the freedom of these 40.3 million people whom God created in his own image. We won’t abolish modern slavery in a day or a couple months or even a couple years, but we can do our part to put a stop to it. It’s a big job, but we are an enormous body with an even greater God. —Kelly Brace

As you pray, thank God for his righteous anger and justice for people, who bear his image.

About the Author

Kelly Brace

Kelly Brace is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute, where she studied human trafficking.