August Prayer Guide 2020

TURKEY — Give thanks with us that 11 new believers were baptized in our Turkish Director’s church. He writes, “I sense the desire to be physically and emotionally present with each other growing around me. I am grateful that more people than ever are tuning in to radio, T.V., and live streaming. It seems the longing for connection is made larger by our forced physical separateness.” 

ALBANIA — Give thanks with Words of Hope Director Erion Prendi as he and his wife Elsa welcome the safe arrival of their second child, Boris. During a time of such uncertainty in the world, it is certainly a blessing for the family to all be safely home together. Older brother Aksel is adjusting well to the new role of big brother. Pray for the Prendi family as they seek to raise their children in the Lord.  

INDIA — Give thanks for all the ways that ministry is being carried out online while people are forced to be physically distant from one another. One of our Indian language producers started a Facebook page for outreach purposes when lockdowns began. As a result of that page and other online initiatives, he and his team have been able to interact with 50,000 people in the last three months. Thanks be to God! 

ENGLISH — Pray for a prisoner named Will who reads the Words of Hope devotional. Right now visitors are not allowed in prisons in many parts of the country, so resources like the devotional are an important lifeline. Will sent in a donation to the ministry with the following words: “This is a small donation so that someone else may be inspired.” We are so thankful for Will’s generosity and vision to share hope with others. 

NIGER — Pray for a listener in Niger who is sharing Words of Hope messages with his family on his cell phone. It can be dangerous to publicly convert to Christianity in Niger, but the listener is able to utilize a memory card with recorded audio programs to share information with family and friends in a discreet manner. Please pray for their safety, and pray that they would come to know Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. 

UGANDA — Give thanks for the impact of a live weekly radio program called “Grow in Faith.” This program, which goes live each Saturday morning, is one of the most popular radio programs in Uganda. Listeners are invited to attend monthly forums in person for further follow-up. During the lockdown, followup has been able to continue through video live streaming and social media outreach.

NEPAL — Please pray for the country of Nepal as people are facing yet another hardship. Recent heavy rains have destroyed many houses and cost many lives. The national highway connecting India and Nepal was washed out completely, and will take a long time to repair. Please pray for our team in Nepal as they are preparing to help those most affected.

SOUTH SUDAN — Please pray for the people of South Sudan. Our producer reports that the government is seeking to disarm people who own guns. In a nation that has experienced much violence and civil war, our producer worries that this attempt at disarmament may lead to fighting between the army and civilians. Pray for peace and safety, and for wise decisions on the part of leadership in the country.

BHUTAN — Give thanks for technology, as it is allowing ministry to continue even while the country is under lockdown. While no visits can be made to listeners during this time, our producers have taken advantage of the opportunity to spend more time in reflection and program preparation. Pray for the team as they continue to find new ways to carry out ministry virtually through digital media.

IRAN — Give thanks for the successful launch of a new Persian Ministries app called “Radio Kalameh Omid.” It is available for Android and iOS, as well as on Apple Watch, Apple TV, and Google TV. In addition to the app, the team now also has a new logo, new social media pages, and a new website. Pray that these resources would accomplish the goal of sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with Persian speakers everywhere. 

INDONESIA — Please pray for ongoing ministry efforts in Indonesia, where Christianity is a minority religion. Listener communities continue to gather together in remote locations of the island nation. For some, these meetings to discuss the radio programs, sing, and pray together are their only form of church. Pray that the messages broadcast over radio continue to serve as a source of hope. 

BHUTAN — Give thanks that over a dozen people have contacted our Bhutanese producer to tell him they are encouraged by his YouTube videos. “Ever since the lockdown started,” wrote one commentor, “a couple of families have been meeting in our house for Sunday worship service. We conduct our service as usual by praying and singing, but we watch your sermon on YouTube. We are understanding the spiritual truths more and more.”