
Read: Romans 12:1-8

Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them. (v. 6)

I was once the volunteer parent in one of my children’s preschool classes. I helped set up the room, assisted the kids with their work, helped them read, and led their daily craft. It was three hours of noise, energy, and controlled chaos. At the end, the teacher was ready for the rest of her day. I took a three-hour nap. She was made for what she did . . . I was fulfilling my parental duty.

Watching people serve the church in their giftedness brings a pastor so much joy. People who serve where they are gifted are energized. The more they give, the more they get. Those who don’t serve at all or those who aren’t in the sweet spot of giftedness will struggle to be effective and lack joy.

God has given each Christian at least one spiritual gift to be used. It is the responsibility of every believer to discover and use their gifts for several reasons: First, it is an act of worship to God (v. 1). Second, you are where you are by God’s design, and you are there to serve as he created you to serve (v. 4). Third, we belong to each other. When one believer doesn’t serve as God designed, everyone is affected (v. 5). If you don’t know where you’re gifted, start serving! If that doesn’t help, ask your pastor. I always welcome a call from someone looking to learn where they should get involved! —Joel Plantinga

As you pray, seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance concerning your giftedness.

About the Author

joel plantinga
Rev. Joel Plantinga

Rev. Joel Plantinga has now been in full-time pastoral ministry for more than 20 years. He serves as the Lead Pastor of Desert Winds Community Church (RCA) in Palmdale, California, and is married to Teresa with children Noah, Eden, and Rachel.