A Theologian

Read: 1 Corinthians 2:6–3:4

But we have the mind of Christ. (v. 16)

Former professional basketball player Allen Iverson once did a press conference where he repeatedly questioned why people were bothered that he missed a practice: “I’m supposed to be the franchise player and we’re in here talking about practice.” Is what happens during the day not as important as what happens when the lights and cameras are on and the crowds are there?

Most Christians know that regular Bible study is a critical part of our faith. We even say that we “practice Christianity” as part of our identity. But what does that mean? Whenever one thinks about God, he or she is engaging in theology. However, many people I talk to consider the pastor the real theologian of the church, and the main event of the week is when he or she preaches the Word of God in a sermon on Sunday morning. As a result, few are excelling in theology.

Research is showing a general decline in biblical understanding among Christians. Today’s passage connects an untrained mind to division in the Corinthian church, leading to disaster. Yes, it is the pastor’s job to faithfully teach and preach. But it is your job to practice theology through the week. What are you doing to allow God to transform your mind? Are you studying God’s Word diligently? Are you reading books that bring light to God’s Word? As American missionary E. Stanley Jones said, “If you don’t make up your mind, your unmade mind will unmake you.” —Joel Plantinga

As you pray, commit your mind to studying the truth about God.

About the Author

joel plantinga
Rev. Joel Plantinga

Rev. Joel Plantinga has now been in full-time pastoral ministry for more than 20 years. He serves as the Lead Pastor of Desert Winds Community Church (RCA) in Palmdale, California, and is married to Teresa with children Noah, Eden, and Rachel.