July Prayer Guide 2020

ALBANIA — Give thanks for the following note from a listener named Alma. “Hello, Words of Hope Albania. Thank you so much for the blessed work you do. I am uplifted and filled with joy by the message of your programs. And they certainly help us in our spiritual life. You know, there are nice and beautiful sunny days, and there are dark and gloomy rainy days, but the message that comes through makes you lift your eyes up to where help comes from!”

UGANDA — Pray that many lives would be touched by a recent radio programs series on topics such as marriage, grace, and the image of God. Pray that listeners would gain understanding about God’s purpose for Christian marriage. Pray also that husbands and wives would be challenged to imitate God by being gracious and merciful toward one another, just as God shows mercy to each one of us. 

IRAN — Give thanks for the many platforms that are able to provide Words of Hope content to Persian speakers all over the world. The Words of Hope Persian app is now available for both iOS and Android phone systems. Audio programs, videos, and other content can also be accessed through a dedicated website, or through Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Soundcloud, Youtube, or Instagram. 

INDIA — COVID-19 continues to be a concern in the country of India. Mask-wearing, social distancing, and frequent sanitization have all become commonplace in order to contain the virus. Words of Hope team members in India have been working hard to keep producing hope-filled programming while also providing assistance for impoverished citizens in need of basic necessities during this time.

NEPAL — Please pray for a listener named Krishna. He is a manual laborer who works hard to support his family of six. He is a Buddhist, but has recently begun listening to the Words of Hope programs. He has told us that he wants to become a Christian, but is hesitant due to how the decision could affect his work and his family. Please pray for the team members who are in communication with Krishna, that they would be able to lead him to Christ. 

INDONESIA — Please pray for a listener group member named Setia, who lives on the Indonesian island of Sumatra. Her husband is a violent alcoholic, and she lives in poverty due to the expense of his addiction. Every day Setia listens to sermons and songs on her radio, and attends the listener group for additional support and encouragement. Pray that the Lord would provide the daily strength that Setia needs and also deliver her husband from addiction.

ENGLISH — Please pray for a devotional reader named Kelly. She wrote recently to say, “I am currently an inmate. I would like to express how much I love this booklet, and how much it helps me cope and stay connected with God on a daily basis. It is something I look forward to reading every night before bed.” Give thanks for faithful donor support that allows Words of Hope to continue sending devotionals to those who request them.

SOUTH SUDAN — Please pray that programs on peace-building and conflict resolution will speak to the hearts of South Sudanese people who listen. Pray too for the country as it faces the dangers of COVID-19 with very little medical infrastructure in place to protect and care for those who become ill. Pray for Words of Hope’s South Sudanese producers, that they would be given wisdom as they work to support and encourage those in their communities. 

UGANDA — Give thanks for these words of encouragement from Words of Hope’s Ugandan Director: “We want to thank God so much at this time. He is a great Lord, and he reigns. He reigns in spite of COVID-19. He reigns even when situations and circumstances are not favorable. Even at times when there is hunger. Even at times when our work and businesses seem to have no hope. He reigns! Our God is gracious and holy.” 

TURKEY — Give thanks that a group of prisoners in Ankara, Turkey is listening to a Words of Hope program called “Spotlight” every day during their lunch break. Words of Hope’s director in Turkey says, “They are blessed by the program so much that they want it to be aired during dinner time as well! This particular program is designed to teach conversational English. We believe the Lord is using this program to make inroads with these prisoners.”  

NIGER — Give thanks for an increase in opportunities for communication and follow-up with listeners during this time of pandemic and stay-at-home orders. Over 200 individuals have called into the station and another 100 or so have sent text messages. “We give thanks to God for his protection and his direction over us and our families in the crisis of this pandemic due to the coronavirus,” says our producer.”

BHUTAN — Please join our Bhutanese producer in this prayer, “Pray for the current situation with the outbreak of COVID-19. The government has imposed restrictions and advised people to work from home. Pray that God will open the hearts of our listeners and viewers, so that they will be convicted of their sins, repent, and turn to Christ.” Pray for the safety of our team members, and for the safety of all that they are ministering to.