
Read: Psalm 63

You have been my help, and in the shadow of your wings I will sing for joy. (v. 7)

In India, Vivaan and his wife were driven out of the family’s village simply for choosing to become Christians. Now, the couple must always be on the move. They carry a radio with them in order to stay connected to God’s Word by listening to Words of Hope programs. “I came to know Jesus through your [radio] programs,” shares Vivaan. “Since I cannot read or write, I cannot read the Bible, or any other literature. Your radio programs are my only source of learning about Scripture. The songs of your program really touch my heart and make my soul sing for joy. At times I feel very lonely, but listening to your program lifts me up, and I feel the presence of the Lord in my life. The program is food for my spiritual growth.”

Like this couple, David experienced times of great isolation. Many psalms show his feelings during those times: despair, anger, grief, but also hope and joy. His hope was rooted in the promise of justice, and his joy came from meditating on God’s goodness and steadfast love. In today’s reading, David describes being satisfied, like being full after a good meal, from this meditation “in the watches of the night” (v. 6).

If you are struggling today, God offers this hope to you, the same hope that sustained David and Vivaan. This hope is not a thin broth but a nourishing and satisfying meal for your soul. —Christy Prins, WOH staff

As you pray, pour out your struggles and fears to God, and ask him to fill you with joy.

About the Author

Christy Prins

Christy Prins is the managing editor of the Words of Hope Daily Devotional. When Christy isn't reading devotional submissions, she's busy working in the garden, reading, and hanging out with her kids.