One Hope

Read: Ephesians 4:1-8

There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call. (v. 4)

Hope is a central part of the Christian life. Hope is what Christ’s coming brought into the world, and the hope that Christ offers is what draws so many to him. 

At Words of Hope, we think about this hope every day. Words of Hope does much more than publish this devotional. We work with Christians around the world, helping indigenous Christian leaders make radio programs and other media in their own languages, to share the hope of Jesus with people in their own countries. In our office in Grand Rapids, Michigan, we have the privilege of hearing stories—from distant places and very different people—that testify to this hope. But they all testify to our baptism into one single body, the body of Christ. Over the next two weeks, we will share some of these stories of hope with you. (Note that some names have been changed to protect privacy.)

Today’s Scripture reminds us that, regardless of who we are, what we’ve experienced, or where we live, we not only have one hope, but also “one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all” (vv. 5-6). While the pain and struggle that weigh upon our lives is very real, our hope in the transforming love of Jesus Christ is not to be suppressed. May hope overflow in your life today. —Adam Navis, WOH staff

As you pray, claim God as your only hope and salvation.

About the Author

Adam Navis
Adam Navis

Adam Navis (M.Div., D.Min.) is passionate about the power of stories to transform lives. Whether he is writing, podcasting, or editing a video, he tries to use stories to entertain, educate, and evoke thoughtful reflection. He lives in Michigan and enjoys spending time outside with family and friends.