Life List

Read: Proverbs 15

Sheol and Abaddon lie open before the LORD; how much more the hearts of the children of man! (v. 11)

As you read Proverbs, do you sometimes feel as if you’re reading a list? Well, you’re right! Proverbs is often arranged as a series of truths to keep in your heart. Proverb’s “list truths” will guide you to know and believe the truths God has revealed for your life.

What is the truth today? You must know that God fully knows even the depths of hell and all the spirits of death and destruction who live there. As he has such full knowledge of hell, God certainly knows everything on your heart. Is that a scary truth or what? Think now, do you really want God to see your dirty heart? Be careful of what enters your heart. Death and destruction come in lies, depression, addictions, disobedience, and much more. They seek to fill your heart and destroy your love for God.

Be wise then to travel on the path of life. Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide you to pursue life with passion. Go after God each day of your life. Wake up to the reality that his truth is the only way to life and start to live it. Expel evil from your heart with confession and God’s love. Then show God your heart that strives in God’s strength to be clean. Turn away death and destruction. Turn to God. —Bob James

As you pray, ask God to save you from death, and bring you to life in Jesus.

About the Author

Rev. Bob James

Reverend Bob James heads the non-profit organization One With God, which he formed to teach pastors and feed orphans across the globe. He produces daily Bible lessons, study books and commentaries to disciple pastors and church leaders.