God’s Precious Family

Read: Proverbs 11

Whoever troubles his own household will inherit the wind, and the fool will be servant to the wise of heart. (v. 29)

The family is a precious thing to God. He created the family through Adam and Eve’s union and the mandate to “be fruitful and multiply” (Genesis 1:28). He repeated this creation mandate to Noah and his family after the great flood (Genesis 9:1).

To you parents, I’d like to ask, “How committed are you to care for the family God has given to you?” If you are like most people, your reply is, “I’d do anything for my family.” But do you do anything you can for your family? Do you work hard to make your marriage as good as it can be? An unhappy marriage will leave your children deflated and discouraged, though God can heal the hurts. A healthy marriage will bring strength and affirmation to your children’s lives. They are secure when they know their mom and dad love each other.

Another family question: Do you work hard at learning God’s Word for your life? A parent dedicated to God’s Word enriches the family with God’s wisdom. Third family question: Do you teach your children God’s Word? Children without God blow here and there. Lead your children to God, and they will know they are highly valued as children of God.

Be wise. Avoid the world’s language: “I do the best I can.” Replace it with, “But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD” (Joshua 24:15). —Bob James

As you pray, ask the Lord to guide you to guide your family to him.

About the Author

Rev. Bob James

Reverend Bob James heads the non-profit organization One With God, which he formed to teach pastors and feed orphans across the globe. He produces daily Bible lessons, study books and commentaries to disciple pastors and church leaders.