A Very Present Help

Read: Psalm 46

The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress. (v. 7)

Hardship + Worry = Feelings of Isolation. I allow this equation to exist in my life far too often. A work-related hardship arises and I choose stress over serenity. The doctor orders a medical test and I choose fret over faith. In these moments I find it easy to convince myself that I am the only one feeling alone and afraid. The Bible tells us we will experience tribulation in this life (John 16:33). It also assures us that we know the greatest source of help.

Today’s passage is included in a portion of the Psalms written as lyrics for the temple choir. The song of Psalm 46 reminds both singer and hearer that no matter what happens, those who love God and call on his name can be assured of his presence. Should the mountains crumble (v. 2), God is with us. Should the waters roar (v. 3), God is with us. Should war rage against us (v. 9), God is with us. Should a family member fail us, a co-worker treat us harshly, or our health fade, God is with us.

In the days to come, we will look further at God’s presence and promise in times of trial and challenge. We will consider how God cared for biblical characters and how he cares for us today. As verse 1 encourages us, he is “a very present help” in times of trouble. —Joy Petroelje

As you pray, thank God for his presence in hard times.

About the Author

Joy Petroelje

Joy Petroelje serves as the grants manager for a faith-based international nonprofit organization. Aside from work, she enjoys family time, coffee or dinner with friends, writing, reading, and running.

This entry is part 1 of 15 in the series God's Presence and Promise