My Favorite Missionary

Read: Ephesians 4:7-16

. . . to equip the saints . . . (v. 12)

My favorite missionary is my dad. He has no formal academic degree and does not live overseas, but if a missionary’s purpose is “to equip the saints for the work of ministry” (v. 12), my dad certainly qualifies. The church fulfills its purpose only as the church equips believers for mission in the world. Theologian Lesslie Newbigin says, “The primary action of the Church in the world is the action of its members in their daily work” (A Word in Season).

Every single follower of Jesus is a missionary sent into the world. Jesus says to us, “As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you” (John 20:21). My pastor ends worship gatherings with, “You are about to enter every sector of public life to claim it for Christ, hospitals and neighborhoods and waiting rooms and living rooms and downtown streets.” Weekly worship reminds us of the gospel story and our part in it. Worship renews our faith and fuels our hope and sends us in mission.

My dad lives in mission. He drove a semitruck for more than four decades. He kept logbooks with integrity, carried on conversations seasoned with the gospel, and was never cited for a violation. Today, he rises each morning to pray for family and friends, with special attention to those who are not yet believers. He invites people without many friends out for coffee, and every new neighbor is welcomed to his home for Sunday dinner. How will you live in mission today? —Jon Opgenorth

As you pray, ask God to show you how to serve today.

About the Author

jon opgenorth
Jon Opgenorth

Rev. Jon Opgenorth serves as president of Words of Hope. Previously, he served for 18 years as senior pastor at Trinity Reformed Church in Orange City, Iowa. In preparation for ministry, he received a BA in Religion from Northwestern College, and an MDiv from Fuller Theological Seminary.