March Prayer Guide 2020

NEPAL — Give thanks that the new Words of Hope Nepal recording studio is nearly complete and will be in use soon! We are thankful for the many ways in which God has provided. Pray that everything will go smoothly as recording of programs resumes in the new space. Pray also for regional coordinators in Nepal who are working to reach out to listeners in various parts of the country. 

SOUTH SUDAN — Pray for our South Sudanese leaders as they develop a new series on “Peace for Development and Sustainable Lives.” Words of Hope’s Dinka leader, Archbishop Alapayo Kuctiel shares, “We chose this topic because South Sudan has been at war with itself and we want to focus on the importance of peace. We stress the significance of Christian peace, harmony, and unity for our nation.”

INDONESIA — Pray for Bayuh, 66, a widower living in Indonesia. Blind and often isolated and lonely, Bayuh says that God keeps him company. Bayuh has a small radio in his home that he uses to tune in to Words of Hope and Back to God Ministries International programs. “On Sundays I follow services through radio broadcast,” says Bayuh. “The sermons I listen to make me realize that Jesus is always with me. This comforts me.” 

IRAN — Pray for Christians in Iran as the country currently ranks as the 9th hardest place in the world to be a Christian. In the last year, at least 25 Christians have been arrested, and 13 have received prison sentences for alleged “actions against national security.” Many of these individuals are friends or relatives of the Words of Hope team—including the father of one of Words of Hope’s Persian producers, Ismaeil. 

ALBANIA — Pray for the Words of Hope Albania team as they resume planning and production of a successful television program that features believers’ stories of coming to Christ. Give thanks for the ways in which the team has been able to use media to help people following the earthquake. Media tools have been useful to coordinate efforts, announce important information, and get listeners involved. Team members are also delivering help packages, praying with, and encouraging Albanian citizens who have lost everything.  

TURKEY — Give thanks for a Turkish listener named Elif who recently confessed her belief in Jesus Christ. She had the opportunity to talk to the team recently, and shared that previously she had been a deist. Please pray for Elif as she takes her first steps of faith. Pray that she will be connected to a welcoming church family, and that her friends and family will be supportive of her decision to follow Christ. 

ENGLISH — Give thanks for the start of a new English ministries newsletter that focuses on how to do devotions, with practical insights and encouragement for readers. Pray that these newsletters would help many people develop a deeper and more personal relationship with God, as they learn to engage in helpful spiritual disciplines and make time in their lives for reading God’s Word.  

INDIA — Give thanks that Words of Hope is now at work in 13 different language groups in India and the surrounding countries. The team produces radio programs, organizes community outreach, and disciples new believers. Pray for effective follow-up with listeners who are interested in learning more about Christianity. Pray too that the team would be able to provide training for pastors in the area to help new believers connect with church families. 

TIBET — Give thanks that the team was recently able to mail 600 letters to Tibetan contacts. Included with the letters were brochures on relevant health topics, as well as information about how to access the radio program content through YouTube. Tibetans still living in their home-country have Internet restrictions that prevent them from using YouTube, but Tibetans now living in India are sharing appreciation for the additional format. 

BHUTAN — Give thanks that Words of Hope’s ministry team in Bhutan is currently creating radio programs and social media content in the languages of Hindi, Tsangla, and Monpa. The team is working to disciple young people, pastors, and lay leaders, educating them about the truths in the Bible and teaching them to apply it to everyday life. Pray that they can reach people living in remote parts of the country who have never even heard the name of Jesus. 

NIGER — “What makes me so happy is when people call wanting to know more about Jesus Christ,” says producer Rabo Godi. “Sometimes people who call are so happy, and they want to come and meet me in the office. Other times they challenge me about Islam. But those who want to know more about Christianity, I connect them with a local pastor and church. I know of 12 individuals who became Christians in the last year.” 

UGANDA — Give thanks that 5 new radio listener groups have been organized in central Uganda. These listener groups help to create a sense of family. Each group has a leader who helps to facilitate listener follow-up in the region. Pray that these groups would help to disciple members, and also provide a nurturing community where individuals feel known and cared for by the others in the group.