
Mountain Reminders

Read: Psalm 125

Those who trust in the LORD are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever. (v. 1)

It was a beautiful Southern California day in late January. The weeks of rain and cold weather had given way to sun, Santa Ana winds, and warmer temperatures. While riding to school in my wheelchair, I was struck by the mountains and the sun reflecting off their snowy peaks.

The sight reminded me that God surrounds me with his love, as the mountains surround the Los Angeles basin. Looking at those mammoth mountains also reminded me that I have a great God who cannot be moved (Psalm 125:1). No matter how big the problem that I am facing, I can know that I have a God who made the mountains, and he loves me as his child.

The snow on the peaks reminded me that Jesus covers my sins with his blood and makes them whiter than snow (Psalm 51:7). The bare and rocky peaks will appear again in the spring when the snow melts. I am so very grateful that my sins will not appear again. Psalm 103:12 says: “as far as the east is from the west, so far does he remove our transgressions from us.”

What about you, have you ever seen God’s truth in nature? If you have, you know how excited I felt that day. If not, look around you and you will see that the universe is teeming with the truths of God. —Steven Laman

As you pray, thank God for the signs of his love and truth around you. Reflect on the reminders of God’s love around you this week.

About the Author

Headshot of author Steve Laman
Steven Laman

Steven Laman is a writer and public speaker who has lived with cerebral palsy since his birth in 1970. Steven is a prolific devotional writer for Words of Hope, and the author of three books: My Journey God’s Grace, Strength in Weakness and My Grace Is Sufficient. He also volunteers as a teacher’s aide. He lives with his parents in Iowa.