February Prayer Guide 2020

UGANDA — Give thanks that listener feedback is increasing. After hearing radio programs, many individuals are calling and texting to receive prayer and counseling, and to ask questions about the Bible. Please pray as Uganda’s economy is not doing well, and costs are being raised for station air time. Our in-country partners are working to negotiate pricing since we have long-standing relationships with the stations. 

INDONESIA — Pray for Sarkim, who has been the leader of a radio listener community in Indonesia for over 20 years. “One day I heard your message on the radio that tells about Jesus’ love for us, so much that he’s willing to sacrifice himself,” says Sarkim. “Suddenly I realized how much Jesus loves me, and I started to do all my tasks with more joy.” Pray for protection for Sarkim as he must travel long distances to meet with listener community members. 

ENGLISH — Please pray for the individuals who faithfully write for the Words of Hope daily devotional. Pray that the Holy Spirit would provide inspiration and guidance for them, and that their words would, in turn, speak to the hearts of the more than 80,000 readers and listeners who interact with the devotional. Pray for the editors as they work to compile the finished booklets each quarter.  

BHUTAN — Give thanks for the impact of a recent leadership training conference. Through engaging with the DiSC assessment, leaders got to know themselves better while also gaining understanding about other members of the team. Pray that the team will be strengthened as they celebrate their differences and work together toward their common goal of letting every Bhutanese person hear about Jesus by 2035. 

IRAN — Please pray for Ismaeil, the father of Words of Hope’s Persian video producer. Ismaeil is an Iranian citizen, and a convert to Christianity. He has been sentenced to prison for three years for the alleged crime of “insulting Islamic sacred beliefs.” He is still awaiting sentencing for two other charges that could result in even more prison time. Please pray for strength for Ismaeil and his family at this time. 

INDIA — Give thanks that as people listen to the radio programs, they become engaged and want to learn more. Seekers meetings are held in India that allow interested individuals to take the next step in understanding the gospel and the plan that Jesus has for their lives. Give thanks that more of these listeners have been baptized recently! Pray that they would be encouraged in their new faith. 

NIGER — Please pray for follow-up efforts in the country of Niger. Gospel radio programs broadcast in the country include phone numbers at the end so that individuals with questions can connect for discussion and prayer. Sometimes there are not enough staff to respond adequately to the calls that come in. Pray that more pastors and local Christians will volunteer to follow up with listeners who want to learn about Christianity. 

NEPAL — Give thanks for 41 new believers in Nepal. They have joined various Cross-Way church plants throughout the country. The construction on two new church plant buildings has been completed as well. Give thanks that the pastors of these churches are also actively involved in the radio ministry and are working to establish listener groups in their churches. Pray that these new congregations will thrive and grow. 

ALBANIA — Continue to pray for the people of Albania who are suffering in the aftermath of a 6.4 magnitude earthquake that hit in November. There are reports of 51 people dead and more than 14,000 left homeless. Pray especially for individuals who are camping outside during this difficult time. Pray for Words of Hope team members who are involved in bringing aid to these communities.   

SOUTH SUDAN — Decades of fighting between tribes in South Sudan have led to vicious cycles of revenge killings. When a man is killed, a close family member is expected to avenge his death and kill in return. Pray with us for a mother whose son died in a recent revenge killing. She came for counseling after hearing a Words of Hope program about forgiveness. She has prayerfully decided not to seek revenge for her son’s death. 

TURKEY —  Our Turkish producer recently attended his 40th high school reunion in Istanbul. While there, he had the opportunity to share his testimony of faith with his former classmates. He gave each person there a Bible. Please pray that his classmates will decide to read the Bibles, and that they will come to believe in Christ as a result. Give thanks for opportunities to share the good news!