January Prayer Guide 2020

INDONESIA — Give thanks for the daily devotionals being produced in Indonesia by Words of Hope and Back to God Ministries International. The booklets are proving especially valuable for Indonesian prisoners. Inmates who read the devotionals report that they feel encouraged, and some are now meeting together twice a week to discuss what they are reading and pray for one another. 

INDIA — Give thanks for the opportunity to organize a follow-up meeting for Hindi speakers. More than 100 individuals attended the gathering. The main purpose of the program was to bring believers and radio listeners from different places together and help them to grow in their faith. One attendee shared, “When my family and I began to listen to the Word of God on radio, slowly the hope returned.” Thanks be to God!

NEPAL — Give thanks that the new recording studio in Nepal is almost complete! Currently the acoustic paneling is being made and installed for sound-proofing the space, and equipment is being purchased. The team anticipates that the studio will be ready for use in mid-January. Pray for plans to begin creating new content for Nepali listeners, including topics of cultural interest and Christian worldview programs. 

ENGLISH — We recently received the following message from an inmate: “Greetings to you in the awesome name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! Although I am a prisoner in this Ohio prison, I am still very much blessed to be alive in Christ Jesus! One way that I have been blessed is by discovering your Words of Hope on top of a trash can. I truly have been enjoying the devotions. There isn’t anything better than Jesus and coffee in the early morning hours!”

NIGER — Please pray for new efforts to distribute gospel programming on memory cards in Niger. This is especially important for people who live outside of the reception range for the radio programs. The memory cards are also more popular with young people living in urban areas. Pray that this will be a meaningful resource for people. Pray also that people will be able to share the biblical content contained on the memory cards with friends and neighbors. 

SOUTH SUDAN — Please pray for provision for our South Sudanese team of producers. They are in need of new computers for their recording studio, as well as a vehicle to allow for better coordination and follow-up efforts in the field. Pray that the necessary funding would be provided, and that the team would be able to find creative solutions to carry out the work in the meantime.  

BHUTAN — Give thanks for a good response to our Bhutanese producer’s YouTube programs. “I am encouraged by the response from some of the church leaders and believers,” he says. “It seems my courage to do YouTube programs has also challenged them to be bolder for the Lord.” Says a listener: “Nice to see you preaching on YouTube. I appreciate you! It is time to be bold and come out in public.”

ALBANIA — Give thanks for the following response from an Albanian app user, “I downloaded your app on the App Store about three years ago. Since then I have been reading your Word of the Day and the Daily Devotional every day. I share these with my fiancée by sending them to her each day. This is the second year now that I have started to read the whole Bible in one year according to your calendar. This app is a real encouragement to me.”

TURKEY — Our Turkish producer is focusing a series of programs on the beauty of the cross. “I chose this topic because the cross of Jesus has always been seen as a sign of animosity in our predominantly Muslim culture,” he says. “I am attempting to change that perspective by showing the beauty and the meaning of the cross of Jesus for every Turk.” Pray that these programs would be life-changing for those who listen. 

UGANDA — After listening to a series of Ugandan radio programs about work, a listener named Omara Daniel reports that he has seen his life change in terms of decision making and taking care of his family. Having been born into poverty, he is grateful for how God has provided for him now. He is able to bring in daily income and support his family. He acknowledges that this would not have been possible without God. 

IRAN — Give thanks for an email message recently received from a young man living in Iran. He shares that his father is a “Mollo,” or an imam at a mosque inside the country. “I came to Christ four years ago,” he writes, “and your radio program has been such a blessing and a big help to me. Thank you!” Pray that Words of Hope radio programming would be used to disciple many otherwise isolated believers.