The Apostles’ Creed Belief-Summary

Read: Deuteronomy 11:18-25

You shall therefore lay up these words of mine in your heart and in your soul. (v. 18)

The Apostles’ Creed is a historic summary of essential Christian beliefs. Interested inquirers and growing Christians could get a good grip on Christian beliefs by considering the essential truths outlined in the Apostles’ Creed, along with authoritative, supporting verses from God’s inspired Word. In this devotional series, we will study select statements from the Creed, unifying statements that enjoy widespread agreement among Christians. Today’s passage reveals an expectation of the Lord to memorize Scripture. The Apostles’ Creed can serve this purpose well, especially if we use its outline for Bible memorization and ongoing review.

The Apostles’ Creed Bible Memory Challenge:

I Believe in God (Deut. 6:4; Matt. 28:19); The Father Almighty (Job 1:21); Maker of Heaven and Earth (Gen. 1:1); I Believe in Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12); His Only Son, Our Lord (Heb. 1:2);

Born of the Virgin Mary (Matt. 1:23); Suffered under Pontius Pilate (Isa. 53:12); The Third Day He Rose Again (Rom. 4:25);

He Ascended into Heaven (Rom. 8:34); He Shall Come Again (Matt. 25:34); I Believe in the Holy Spirit (John 14:16); The Holy Catholic Church (Eph. 4:4); The Forgiveness of Sins (2 Cor. 5:19); The Resurrection of the Body (Phil. 1:23; Phil. 3:21); The Life Everlasting (1 Cor. 2:9).

Prayer: We may not always have the Bible in our hands, gracious and wise Father, so help us to learn your words by heart.

About the Author

John Tousley
John Tousley

John Tousley received his M. Div. from Western Theological Seminary. John died in 2018 at the age of 59. His commitment to the Lord was rock-solid. His devotion to his wife and family was unshakable. His generosity to others was incredible, in spite of limited means and an intentionally simple lifestyle. He listened more than he spoke, and delighted in studying the Bible and committing large passages of scripture to memory. He enjoyed God’s creation and went for long walks every day. He was a much-loved son, husband, father and grandfather.