
Light from Tzeltal Lamps

Light from Tzeltal Lamps book cover

Messages of Faith from Indigenous Believers in Chiapas

Among the most down-to-earth and popular devotionals Words of Hope has ever published are the devotionals written by members of the Tzeltal churches in Chiapas, Mexico. In this book, you will find stories to encourage and inspire your faith, written by Tzeltal pastors and church leaders. 

Sam and Helen Hofman gathered these exciting sermon illustrations and translated them into English.

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Light from the Tzeltal Lamps

About the Author

Helen Hofman

Helen Hofman is a retired missionary. She and her husband Sam worked with the Tzeltal and Tojolabal Indians of Chiapas, Mexico for more than forty years. In their work, they helped set up a Bible School to train the Tzeltals, taught in the Bible School, prepared Sunday School materials, textbooks, hymnals and audiovisuals. They also coordinated the translation of the Amatenango Tzeltal New Testament and the revision of the highland Tzeltal Bible.