
Words of Hope provides people both near and far with daily access to God's Word.



Great Prayer, Great Faith

Read: John 17:6-21 My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. (v. 15 NIV) Our story yesterday from Matthew 14 is a picture of where we live much of the time. We row across a stormy sea, battered by the elements, struggling to make it to the far shore. And Jesus is nowhere to be seen. The passage reminds us that Jesus was up on the mountain, praying. Hebrews 7:25 says that Jesus always intercedes for us, and the great prayer of John 17 gives us an example. He does not pray that God will immediately end the storm but that God will protect us in the storm so we can continue our mission of faith. When he came on the waves, in the

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Grow In Faith and Share It Worldwide

All people in all places should have access to God’s Word. With Words of Hope, you can grow in faith by connecting daily to the truths of Scripture with our daily devotional and by sending God’s good news worldwide through all forms of media.


Stories of Hope

Words of Hope sends the good news to over 70 languages worldwide.

A Message of Gratitude

The Words of Hope devotional reaches people in all walks of life—each with their own unique stories of faith and need. One recent thank-you note came to us from a person living in prison. Written on a torn piece of paper towel, it was a reminder of why this ministry exists.


Jesus came and proclaimed the good news of peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. — Ephesians 2:17

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