Words of Hope provides people both near and far with daily access to God's Word.



Grumble in the Wilderness

Read: Exodus 16:1-10 Then the LORD said to Moses, “Behold, I am about to rain bread from heaven for you, and the people shall go out and gather a day’s portion every day . . .” (v. 4) Children learn by imitation. As parents, our words don’t have as much power as our behavior. This is true in good times, but even more true when it comes to how we face our problems, short-comings and difficulties. The people of Israel set out from Elim and reached the wilderness of Sin (v. 1). Not long before these same people were singing songs of praise for the deliverance God had provided, but at this point they were complaining. Sadly, we are no different—too quickly forgetting God’s goodness. Today’s reading is echoed in Jesus’s own experiences, being in the wilderness

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All people in all places should have access to God’s Word. With Words of Hope, you can grow in faith by connecting daily to the truths of Scripture with our daily devotional and by sending God’s good news worldwide through all forms of media.


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Jesus came and proclaimed the good news of peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. — Ephesians 2:17

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